I JUST KNOW, HE is the BEST. I have met him through my inlaws years ago before he was President and there were stories about him. Those stories were all wonderful and heartfelt. People that worked for him that said, HE made THEM BELIEVE THEY COULD AND WOULD…and they DID.

the leader of the Trumpet’s is also my new hero. I LOVED HER BOOK. I actually bought more and gave them away. I am giving my sister the Trumpette party ticket for her christmas gift…she has no clue. My sister has NO MONEY, lives on a budget on a farm with her beloved animals, she has been diagnosed with dimensia recently. She LOVES her President with all she has… on a side note, our Mother who passed away 7 years ago this January loved our President as well…BEFORE he was President…because and this is so off the realm, but she was british and in England Trump meant a fart. NO DISRESPECT, however when we farted it was always called a Trump. So she found such joy in the name Trump, however she LOVED the man he was.

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