I’m a semi retired small business owner in Orange county, California!
I’m a very independent single mother not by choice of 2 grown daughters with 2 young, teenage grandsons. Being a young widow at 38 years of age, put my daughters thru college single-handedly! I grew up in Saigon, the capital of a war torn country: VietNam! Even I had a good life, went to all girls Catholic schools, had a very happy married and beautiful kids, I always think about my people still live under the communist regime back there! I can only think of helping them by voicing out to the world to understand the lives of the poor, inhumanities of our people!

I have a strong mind of a republican woman at a very young age!
I strongly think the only one person can bring peace and decent harmony to the word can only be out President Donald J. Trump! He is the man with God give powers to what ever he set his mind into, he can make it happen in times! For that reason, I’m in line with your organization to help support him with all I can by spreading this TRUMP’s movement into other women with same interest!