Welcome Fred Williamson

BIG WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST TRUMPETTE, OR PERHAPS WE SHOULD SAY TRUMPSTER, MR. FRED WILLIAMSON. PLEASE READ BELOW HIS BEAUTIFUL WIFE LINDA’S COMMENTS: Toni, You’ve done such a great job on all the Trumpettes – it’s so incredible you’ve put together such a stellar group of ladies in support of Trump. It was a big

To My Fabulous Trumpettes

You are doing a great job and I know you have been asking what more you can do to get Donald J. Trump elected President. Well here it is. What you can do is contact all of your friends and family and try to gather as many new Trumpettes and Trumpsters by word of mouth

Trump’s Presidential Qualifications

Obama is against Trump…Check Most of the Media is against Trump…Check The establishment Democrats are against Trump…Check The establishment Republicans are against Trump…Check The Pope is against Trump…Check The UN is against Trump…Check The EU is against Trump…Check China is against Trump…Check Mexico is against Trump…Check Soros is against Trump…Check Black Lives Matter is against